
Convert from technische mass einheit (TME) to dan [China]

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Unit Definition (technische mass einheit (TME))
The technische mass einheit (TME) is a German abbreviation for Technische Mass Einheit (engineering mass unit). One TME is the mass accelerated at 1 m/s2 by a force of 1 kgf. One TME is equal to 9.80665 kilograms or 21.6200 pounds. This unit is sometimes called the metric slug in English, since the slug is defined in a similar way in the English system.

Unit Definition (dan [China])
The dan [China] is a traditional Chinese weight unit, previously spelled tan in many English works. During the European colonial era the unit was equal to 100 catties or 133.333 pounds. In modern China the dan is equal to 100 jin, which is exactly 50 kilograms (110.231 pounds). The dan is the Chinese equivalent of the European quintal or hundredweight.

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