
Convert from palm [US, Roman major] to mil

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Unit Definition (palm [US, Roman major])
A palm, when used as a unit of length, is usually four digits or three inches, i.e. 7.62 cm (for the international inch). The width of an adult human male palm is indeed about 10 centimetres.In English this unit has mostly fallen out of use, as do others based on the human arm: digit (¼ palm), finger (7/24 palm), hand (4/3 palms), shaftment (2 palms), span (3 palms), cubit (6 palms) and ell (15 palms).

Unit Definition (mil)
The mil is a unit of distance equal to 0.001 inch: a "milli-inch," in other words. Mils are used, primarily in the U.S., to express small distances and tolerances in engineering work. One mil is exactly 25.4 microns, just as one inch is exactly 25.4 millimeters. This unit is also called the thou. With the increasing use of metric units in the U.S., many machinists now avoid the use of "mil" because that term is also a handy slang for the millimeter.

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