
Convert from cubit [English] to football field [U.S., complete]

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Unit Definition (cubit [English])
The cubit is a historic unit of distance frequently mentioned in the Bible. The word comes from the Latin cubitum, "elbow," because the unit represents the length of a man's forearm from his elbow to the tip of his outstretched middle finger. This distance tends to be about 18 inches or roughly 45 centimeters. In ancient times, the cubit was usually defined to equal 24 digits or 6 palms. The Egyptian royal or "long" cubit, however, was equal to 28 digits or 7 palms. In the English system, the digit is conventionally identified as 3/4 inch; this makes the ordinary cubit exactly 18 inches (45.72 centimeters). The Roman cubit was shorter, about 44.4 centimeters (17.5 inches). The ordinary Egyptian cubit was just under 45 centimeters, and most authorities estimate the royal cubit at about 52.35 centimeters (20.61 inches).

Unit Definition (football field [U.S., complete])
The football field is a common informal unit of distance in the United States and Canada. Americans aren't quite agreed as to whether the unit is exactly 100 yards (91.44 meters), the distance between the goal lines on an American football field, or 120 yards (109.728 meters), the 'complete' distance including the two end zones. Canadian football fields are 110 yards (100.58 meters) long between the goal lines and 150 yards (137.16 meters) including the end zones. The football field is also used sometimes as an informal unit of area: including the end zones, an American football field represents an area of 1.3223 acre or about 0.535 hectare while the Canadian football field has an area of 2.0145 acre or 0.815 hectare.

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