
Convert from click [U.S. military] to cable [British]

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Unit Definition (click [U.S. military])
A click is U.S. military slang for the kilometer (about 0.621 mile). Also spelled klick or klik. This unit became popular during the Vietnam War, but it was invented by U.S. troops in Germany during the 1950s. Occasionally it was used as a non-metric unit equal to 1000 yards (0.9144 kilometer).

Unit Definition (cable [British])
The cable is a unit of distance formerly used at sea. The traditional U.S. cable was equal to 120 fathoms, 720 feet, 0.1185 nautical mile, or about 219.4 meters. The British Admiralty, in 1830, defined the cable to equal exactly 0.1 nautical (Admiralty) mile, which is 608 feet or about 185.3 meters. The cable is also sometimes now defined as a metric cable, which is equal to exactly 200 meters.

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