Convert from bushel [UK] to ounce [US, liquid]

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Unit Definition (bushel [UK])
The bushel [UK] is a unit of volume in the British imperial system (see gallon) equal to 8 imperial gallons, or 2219.36 cubic inches (1.2844 cubic feet). The imperial bushel holds about 36.369 liters.

Unit Definition (ounce [US, liquid])
The ounce [US, liquid] is a traditional unit of liquid volume, also called the fluid ounce to avoid confusion with the weight ounce. In the U. S. customary system there are 16 fluid ounces in a pint, so each fluid ounce represents 1.804 687 cubic inches or 29.573 531 milliliters. A U.S. fluid ounce of water weighs just a bit more than one ounce avoirdupois.

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