Length/Distance | Convert from braza [Texas] to cana (canna, canne) |
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Common Length Conversions Metric Length Conversions Unit Definition (braza [Texas]) The Braza is a traditional unit of distance in Spain and Latin America. In Spain it equals 2 varas, 8 palmos, or about 1.67 meters (5.48 feet or 65.75 inches). In Latin America the Braza tends to be larger. The Argentine Braza is 1.73 meters (5.68 feet or 68.16 inches), and under the Texas definition of the Vara the Braza would be 1.693 meters (5.556 feet or 66.67 inches). The Portuguese Braça is similar, but it equals 10 palmos or about 2.20 meters (7.22 feet or 86.6 inches). Unit Definition (cana (canna, canne)) The caña (canna, canne) are traditional units of distance in Spain, Italy, and southern France, respectively. The caña varied in size, but it was most often defined as 8 palmos, which makes it the Mediterranean version of the fathom, equal to roughly 2 meters or 6.5 feet. In Italy a measuring stick is still called a canna metrica. The unit is sometimes translated to "rod" in English, but "fathom" is the proper choice.