
Convert from angstrom to fuss [German]

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Unit Definition (angstrom)
The Angstrom is a metric unit of length, equal to 0.1 nanometer or 10e-10 meter. Angstroms are most often used to measure the wavelength of light and are commonly used by chemists and physicists in the field of spectroscopy. One of the pioneers of spectroscopy was the Swedish physicist Anders Jon Ångström (1814-1874), after whom the unit is named.

Unit Definition (fuss [German])
The length of the fuß (or fuss) is the German foot. It varied somewhat; the Viennese version was equal to 12.444 inches or 31.608 centimeters, while the Rheinfuss (Rhine foot), used in much of western and northern Germany, was equal to 12.357 inches or 31.387 centimeters. In Bavaria a shorter fuß of about 29 centimeters was used. There's no change in the plural.

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