| Convert from Tablespoon [metric] to peck [US] |
Unit Definition (Tablespoon [metric]) The tablespoon is a unit of volume used in food recipes. Under the metric system the tablespoon has become more or less standardized at 15 milliliters in Britain, Canada, and New Zealand, 20 milliliters in Australia. The metric tablespoon equals 3 teaspoons (4 in Australia). Unit Definition (peck [US]) The peck [US] is a traditional unit of volume, formerly used for both liquids and solids but now used mostly for dry commodities such as grains, berries, and fruits. A peck is 2 gallons, 8 quarts, or 1/4 bushel. In the U. S. customary system, a peck holds 537.605 cubic inches or approximately 8.8098 liters.