| Convert from Kelvin to degree Celsius |
Unit Definition (Kelvin) The Kelvin is the SI base unit of temperature. It was previously called the degree Kelvin (°K). The unit size of Kelvin and degrees Celsius are the same, however the two are offset by ~273°. The temperature in Kelvins is always equal to 273.15 plus the temperature in degrees Celsius. The Kelvin equals exactly 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit. Unit Definition (degree Celsius) Degree Celsius is the most common metric unit of temperature. It was named after the Swedish astronomer and physicist Anders Celsius. The freezing point of water (at 1atm.) was originally defined to be 0°C and the boiling point at 100°C. It should be noted that the scale of the two units, degrees Celsius and degrees Kelvin are actually the same, although degrees Celsius is actually offset by 273° when compared to the Kelvin scale. 0° Kelvin (-273°C) is defined at the point at which all molecular motion stops.